Build The Nations
Build the Nations has a mission base in South Africa which houses a
Christian school, a home for vulnerable children, and accommodation for
The mission base serves as a springboard for ministry to the local
community, mission outreaches to surrounding countries, and training
ground for missionaries and school staff.
Meet the Palmers
Brad and Hazel Palmer relocated their little family of four to Shayandima,
South Africa in 1993 to follow God’s calling. After years of prayer, hard work,
and perseverance, Build the Nations has become a testimony of faith that
echoes across the world.
The Palmers, who started this journey as missionaries, living in a small
camper with their two young children, are still very active in the day-to-day
life of this operation. From school administration to community outreach,
mentorship, missions, and so much more, you will find Mr and Mrs Palmer
hard at work for the Kingdom of God.

The Miracle @ Shayandima
A message from Mr. Palmer
I believe that with God’s help, you can do anything that God calls you to do
and succeed. When I first arrived at Shayandima, South Africa in 1993, I
found it very difficult to let go and let God have His way with me. What I
realized, in time, is that God is moved by honesty and simplicity of faith in
Him. Every day I spent working in Shayandima was a lesson in faith and
patience in Him.
Looking back, I see that God leads us one step at a time, showing us just
enough to spur us forward and giving us only what we can handle in that
moment in time. Often times, God does not show us all that He wants us to
do because we would probably faint and then run away. Don’t allow your
logic to interfere with God’s calling for your life. Take a step of faith and trust
that the Lord is directing you and ordering your steps. Just consider, long
before you walk in those steps of faith, the Lord has already prepared the